I am running PHP 5.2.14 on Apache/2.2.16 (Win32) and I have a script to run a shell command, which when tested in the command prompt works well but in browser mode (html), it doesn't.
REM ...
REM process some folder details
REM code which does not work in browser mode but works in cmd mode
C:/somfolder/bin/mysqldump -u abc -pabcdef --result-file="C:/Apache22/somfolder/DBbackup/DBbackup.%DATE:~10,4%%DATE:~4,2%%DATE:~7,2%.sql" --dump-date --log-error="C:/Apache22/somfolder/DBbackup/DBbackup.%DATE:~10,4%%DATE:~4,2%%DATE:~7,2%.log" dbname > dboutputresult.txt
REM process result of savedfile
//process some folder information
$file = file_get_contents($folderroot."/exec/mybatfile.bat");
$strarr = explode("\n", $file);
foreach($strarr as $line){
var_dump("line: ".$line."\n");
$output = shell_exec($line);
//process result of savedfile additional information
What can I try next?
Check the permissions to run it as a server. You can run this as owner, but there can be no possibilities to run it as other user - in your example as apache.