
How to get SVNKit log between two dates?

I am using SVNKit 1.7 and I am wanting to get a history log of entries between two dates. All the documentation that I found only shows retrieving entries between two revision numbers.

I basically want to run the following command

svn log -v --xml --non-interactive --no-auth-cache  --username myusername --password mypassword -r {""2012-10-02""}:{""2012-11-01""}

Right now I'm doing this via a command line calling it in Java with the Runtime classes.

What I am using this info for is to generate metrics by month of SVN activity.

If I have to use revision numbers, is there a way to find the nearest revision # based on a date?

Thanks for your help.


  • Thank you Dmitry your answer was quite helpful, but I ended up using the class and the getDatedRevision() method of the class. I glanced over this method many times while looking at the docs.