Maybe this can be done without StreamInsight, but I'm curious.
I have an application that is populating a table with "messages" (inserts a row in the table).
I want to create a monitoring application that monitors this table for the rate at which messages are "arriving", and how quickly they are "processed" (flag gets updated).
As this is a vendors application, I don't want to drop in a trigger or anything. But I can query the db and the table has a PK using an identity column.
How can I get to a hopping window query? I would love to show a line graph for the say the past 30 minutes showing the rate of messages coming in, and the rate at which the messages are process.ed.
Depending on what information is captured in this table of messages, I think you could probably do this faster by just running a SQL query.
If you are still wanting to use StreamInsight to do this, here's some code to get you started.
var app = Application;
var interval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1);
var windowSize = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10);
var hopSize = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1);
/* Replace the Observable.Interval with your logic to poll the database and
convert the messages to instances of TPayload. It just needs to be a class
that implements the IObservable<TPayload> interface. */
var observable = app.DefineObservable(()=> Observable.Interval(interval));
// Convert the observable to a point streamable.
var streamable = observable.ToPointStreamable(
e=> PointEvent.CreateInsert(DateTimeOffset.Now, e),
/* Using the streamable from the step before, write your actual LINQ queries
to do the analytics you want. */
var query = from win in streamable.HoppingWindow(windowSize, hopSize)
select new Payload{
Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow,
Value = win.Count()
/* Create a sink to output your events (WCF, etc). It just needs to be a
class that implements the IObserver<TPayload> interface. The
implementation is highly dependent on your needs. */
var observer = app.DefineObserver(()=> Observer.Create<Payload>(e => e.Dump()));