
Example for non-iid data

I have read some papers regarding to non-iid data. Based on Wikipedia, I know what iid (independent and identical distributed) data is but am still confused about non-iid. I did some research but could not find a clear definition and example of it. Can someone help me on this?


  • From wikipedia iid:

    "Independent and identically distributed" implies an element in the sequence is independent of the random variables that came before it. In this way, an IID sequence is different from a Markov sequence, where the probability distribution for the nth random variable is a function of the previous random variable in the sequence (for a first order Markov sequence).

    As a simple synthetic example, assume you have a special dice with 6 faces. If the last time the face value is 1, next time you throw it, you will still get a face value of 1 with 0.5 probability and a face value of 2,3,4,5,6 each with 0.1 probability. However, if the last time the face value is not 1, you get equal probability of each face. E.g.,

    p(face(0) = k) = 1/6, k = 1,2,3,4,5,6  -- > initial probability at time 0. 
    p(face(t) = 1| face(t-1) = 1) = 0.5, p(face(t) = 1| face(t-1) != 1) = 1/6
    p(face(t) = 2| face(t-1) = 1) = 0.1, p(face(t) = 1| face(t-1) != 1) = 1/6
    p(face(t) = 3| face(t-1) = 1) = 0.1, p(face(t) = 1| face(t-1) != 1) = 1/6
    p(face(t) = 4| face(t-1) = 1) = 0.1, p(face(t) = 1| face(t-1) != 1) = 1/6
    p(face(t) = 5| face(t-1) = 1) = 0.1, p(face(t) = 1| face(t-1) != 1) = 1/6
    p(face(t) = 6| face(t-1) = 1) = 0.1, p(face(t) = 1| face(t-1) != 1) = 1/6
    face(t) stands for the face value of t-th throw.

    This is an example when the probability distribution for the nth random variable (the result of the nth throw) is a function of the previous random variable in the sequence.

    I see Non-identical and Non-independent (e.g, Markovian) data in some machine learning scenarios, which can be thought of as non-iid examples.