
Global OnLoggedIn event in

Is there a way to be notified when a user becomes logged in with an website?

Note: A user can become logged in without visiting a "login page". If the "remember me" cookie exists, they can hit an arbitrary page and be logged in.

When a user is logged in i want to fetch some session related information.

Note: There is the Login.LoggedIn event. Problem is that that control doesn't exist on every page; and the one page it is present on (Login.aspx) doesn't call OnLoggedIn event.

In the same way that Global.asax has a global On Session Start notification:

void Session_Start(object sender, EventArgs e) 

i assume somewhere there's a On User Logged In notifiation:

void LoggedIn(object sender, EventArgs e)

Bonus Reading


  • I think you don't have a unique place to do that. In my case (MVC + log4net) I use this: