I have a simple question:
What is the type of function in C or C++
As we can have pointers to function in C or C++, that means functions should have a specific type otherwise type checking during pointers to function creation have no meaning.
Can someone explain me, I am on the correct path or not?
If I am on the right path, How can I find the type of function?
The type of a function in C/C++ includes both the return type
and the types of input parameters
Consider the following function declaration:
int function(char, float);
A pointer to that function has the following type:
int (*funptr)(char, float);
Similarly in general :
returntype function (argtype1, argtype2, argtype3)
A corresponding pointer to such a function is
returntype (*ptr) (atgtype1, atgtype2, atgtype3);
There are be many different types of functions. Find a useful reference on function pointers here.
Also, this classification is based on the return type and argument types
. Functions can also be classified on the basis of scope of their accessibility. like global functions, static functions etc. See here for a short introduction.