
Sending a campaign to a segment

Anyone know how to get a campaign to send to a segment? This code isn't working. It will send an email to all people in the campaign. It will not use the segment. (This is some more text so I can get it to pass the validation of SO.)

My code:

    //get member list
    $memberArray = $api->listMembers($inStockListId);
    foreach ($memberArray['data'] as $member) {
        $memberInfo = $api->listMemberInfo($inStockListId, $member['email']);
        $_productId = $memberInfo['data'][0]['merges']['PRODUCTID'];

        if ($productId == $_productId) {
            array_push($emailArray, $member['email']);

    //create new segment for campaign
    $listStaticSegmentId = $api->listStaticSegmentAdd($inStockListId, 'inStockStaticSegment');

    //add members to segment
    $val = $api->listStaticSegmentMembersAdd($inStockListId, $listStaticSegmentId, $emailArray);

    $conditions = array();
    $conditions[] = array(
        'field' => 'email',
        'op'    => 'like',
        'value' => '%'
    $segment_options = array(
        'match'      => 'all',
        'conditions' => $conditions

    $type    = 'regular';
    $options = array(
        'template_id' => $campaignTemplateId,
        'list_id'     => $inStockListId,
        'subject'     => 'In-Stock Notification',
        'from_email'  => '',
        'from_name'   => 'My From Name'
    $content = array(
        'html_main'       => 'some pretty html content',
        'html_sidecolumn' => 'this goes in a side column',
        'html_header'     => 'this gets placed in the header',
        'html_footer'     => 'the footer with an *|UNSUB|* message',
        'text'            => 'text content text content *|UNSUB|*'

    $newCampaignId = $api->campaignCreate($type, $options, $content, $segment_options);


  • I figured it out. Essentially, here is the flow. If you want detailed code, send me a message and I'll be glad to help.

    $api = new MCAPI($this->_apiKey);
    $api->listMemberInfo($this->_listId, $member['email']);
    $api->listUpdateMember($this->_listId, $member['email'], $mergeVars);
    $api->listStaticSegmentDel($this->_listId, $segment['id']);
    $api->listStaticSegmentAdd($this->_listId, $segmentName);
    $api->listStaticSegmentMembersAdd($this->_listId, $segmentId, $emailArray);
    $api->campaignCreate($type, $options, $content, $segment_options);
    //$api->campaignSendTest($newCampaignId, array($member['email']));

    Note, this is done via the MailChimp PHP API.