
Select from union of same columns from three tables

I have three tables, A, B, and C. They all hold different data, but have some columns in common.

If A, B, and C all have columns C1 and C2 then how can I look up a specific C2 value using a C1 value that could be in any of the 3 tables?

Basically, I want to do a simple look-up but have it act on the union of the 3 tables - and I'd prefer to not use a view to achieve this.

Note that this is an Ingres Vectorwise database.


  • You do this by doing a union of the tables in the from clause:

    select c2
    from ((select c1, c2 from a) union all
          (select c1, c2 from b) union all
          (select c1, c2 from c)
         ) t
    where c1 = <your value>

    I've used union all for performance reasons. If you are concerned about duplicate values, either use union or add a distinct in the select.

    This is standard SQL and should work in any database.