
IMetadataExchange MEX endpoint error when hosting WCF service in console application

I have a WCF service. I am trying to host the service in a console application.

I am following all the directions here.

Now everything compiles fine, but I get an exception at runtime.

The contract name 'IMetadataExchange' could not be found in the list of contracts implemented by the service Indexer. Add a ServiceMetadataBehavior to the configuration file or to the ServiceHost directly to enable support for this contract.

Now in the directions, I am instructed to add

<endpoint binding="mexHttpBinding" bindingConfiguration=""
name="http://localhost:8080/myservice/MEX/" contract="IMetadataExchange" />

I don't have IMetadataExchange anywhere in my WCF service or the host console application.

Where does the exception come from? Is there a reference I am missing?

This is my console program

namespace WcfConsoleHost
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Type type = typeof(myservice);
            using (ServiceHost host = new ServiceHost(type))

                Console.WriteLine("The service is available. Press any key...");

My WCF service just has an Interface with the contracts and then the implemetation in the myservice class.

Below is my entire app.config.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
                <behavior name="ServiceBehavior">
                    <serviceMetadata />
            <service name="myservice">
                <endpoint address="http://localhost:8080/myservice/"
                    bindingConfiguration="" contract="myservice.Ims" />
                <endpoint binding="mexHttpBinding" bindingConfiguration=""
                    contract="IMetadataExchange" />


  • The mex endpoint has the wrong attribute for the address... it should be address, not name.