
Building BlackBerry 10 native application package from command line

I have created a native HelloWorld application for BlackBerry 10 using BB NDK 10.0.9 and running it inside a simulator. I use Momentics IDE and can easily compile and deploy my application.

However, i want to setup an automated build process from the command line. I was able to compile ELF binary using makefile. But i am stuck in creation of .bar file.

I try to build .bar with the command:

blackberry-airpackager.bat -package application.xml

but the target .bar does not contain my native binary.

What am i doing wrong?


  • There is a special packager for native applications: blackberry-nativepackager

    This code did the trick:

    blackberry-nativepackager.bat -package bar-descriptor.xml

    And yet another configuration was added to bar-descriptor.xml besides the simulator:

    <configuration id="com.qnx.qcc.toolChain.2121420202" name="Device-Release">
       <asset path="arm/o.le-v7/HelloWorld" entry="true" type="Qnx/Elf">HelloWorld</asset>