I have module named qwe.py in ~/
executing next lines:
(setq pymacs-load-path (list "~/"))
(pymacs-load "qwe")
returns a error:
Debugger entered--Lisp error: (error "Pymacs loading qwe...failed")
signal(error ("Pymacs loading qwe...failed"))
pymacs-report-error("Pymacs loading %s...failed" "qwe")
(cond (lisp-code (let ((result (eval lisp-code))) (message "Pymacs loading %s...done" module) result)) (noerror (message "Pymacs loading %s...failed" module) nil) (t (pymacs-report-error "Pymacs loading %s...failed" module)))
(let ((lisp-code (pymacs-call "pymacs_load_helper" module prefix))) (cond (lisp-code (let ((result (eval lisp-code))) (message "Pymacs loading %s...done" module) result)) (noerror (message "Pymacs loading %s...failed" module) nil) (t (pymacs-report-error "Pymacs loading %s...failed" module))))
(progn (pymacs-load "qwe"))
eval((progn (pymacs-load "qwe")) t)
call-interactively(eval-last-sexp nil nil)
if to copy qwe.py in /usr/lib/python2.7/ everything is ok. What am I doing wrong?
Pymacs 0.25
Emacs 24.2
I should change this variable in pymacs.el