I'm having an issue as the element is not being hidden if I hover over the element quickly. It works the way I intended if I hover slowly/normally. Here's my jQuery:
And here's my html:
<div class="three columns arrow_father">
<img id="arrow" src="images/graph.png" alt="" />
<img class='rec_img hidden 1' src='img1.jpg' alt='caption 3' data-caption='#htmlCaption3' />
<img class='rec_img hidden 2' src='img2.jpg' alt='caption 3' data-caption='#htmlCaption3' />
<img class='rec_img hidden 3' src='img3.jpg' alt='caption 3' data-caption='#htmlCaption3' />
PS: I'm sure I've made a mess with my jQuery and there must be a way to make it shorter/neater/tidier, and suggestions will be much appreciated ;)
stop all previously queued animation before starting a new one, for exmaple:
$("#arrow").stop(true, true).hide();
$('.1').stop(true, true).fadeIn('fast');