
Renumber duplicates to make them unique

       Table "public.t"
 Column |  Type   | Modifiers
 code   | text    |
 grid   | integer |

The codigo column, although of type text, has a numeric sequence which has duplicates. The grid column is a unique sequence.

select * from t order by grid;
 code | grid
 1    |    1
 1    |    2
 1    |    3
 2    |    4
 2    |    5
 2    |    6
 3    |    7

The goal is to eliminate the duplicates in the code column to make it unique. The result should be similar to:

 code | grid
 1    |    1
 6    |    2
 4    |    3
 2    |    4
 7    |    5
 5    |    6
 3    |    7

The version is 8.2 (no window functions).

create table t (code text, grid integer);
insert into t values


  • This is the solution that worked.

    drop sequence if exists s;
    create temporary sequence s;
    select setval('s', (select max(cast(code as integer)) m from t));
    update t
    set code = i
    from (
        select code, grid, nextval('s') i
        from (
            select code, max(grid) grid
            from t
            group by code
            having count(*) > 1
            order by grid
        ) q
    ) s
        t.code = s.code
        t.grid = s.grid

    The problem with it is that the update command must be repeated until there are no more duplicates. It is just a "it is not perfect" problem as it is a one time operation only.