
SVN to Git Branch/Tag/Trunk

I am making the leap from SVN to Git (though, my respect for SVN will still hold) and I had a few questions for some SVN to Git terminology. In SVN, many repositories are setup like this:

- trunk  : The place where all of the main development occurs
- tag    : Storing versions of major releases or important milestones
- branch : Where smaller "branch" development occurs as to not conflict with the main development occurring in the trunk, then is later merged into the trunk

What are the standard convention names for branch/tag/trunk in Git?

Thank you for your time.


  • Git does not force you to use a specific structure for your project. All information which is important for git itself will be stored in the hidden .git directory. To list or see you branches and tags use the git commands:

    git branch 
    git tag

    to get further information use the git help command or have a look at this free book