
Home button in drill down app

I am writing an iOS app that has a 3-4 level of drill down. In the 2nd, 3rd... and so on views, I want to add a home button on the nab bar, which once pressed takes you back to the root view controller, i.e. the first screen.

I have added a button using storyboard and simply want to implement the - (void) homeButtonpressed:(id)sender function so that my first view is displayed.

Also, if this is some kind of a built in functionality for this (like there is for back button), then that would be great, as I will need to write this piece of code in all my child views.

Can somebody help me with this?



  • You can pop to rootview by using the following code

    [self.navigationController popToViewController: [self.navigationController.viewControllers objectAtIndex: 0] animated: YES];


    [self.navigationController popToRootViewControllerAnimated:YES];