
Stategies for Rebuilding Legacy Applications

I have a new assignment coming up shortly where I have re-architect some legacy COM applications in .Net WPF. If possible I need to re-use functionality or existiing code however I suspect the scope for this is limited.

I need to replicate existing functionality but need to achieve it using a modern and extensible architecture.

Does anyone have any general advice for approaching a project of this type? Are there any good resources on this subject?

Are there any tried and tested techniques or common pifalls?


  • I am currently doing almost this exact thing.

    The most important advice I can give is to re-spec the system. Without a fresh set of expectations for what you will deliver, you will be held to the standards of the old system. Those standards can't be great, or else you wouldn't be rewriting it.

    Determine, from the people using the current system, what they are actually trying to accomplish, and built that, rather than a straight port. Everyone involved will be better off in the long run.

    Short of that, don't try to add features during this process. That opportunity will come after you have re-architected the application. There is nothing worse while doing a port than taking on a new requirement which contradicts existing functionality.