
how to make the refinerycms backend go to /admin of /refinery?

Is there any quick and easy way to make the backend go to /admin instead of /refinery?

I looked through the docs as well as looked at the gem itself to find any information on this, however I came up with nothing. If this is not possible without major hacking, that would be great to know as well, to be able to pass that info onto my client (i personally could care less about the route).


  • I added the following line to config/routes.rb. Be aware that this must come before mount Refinery::Core::Engine, :at => '/':

    match '/administrator' => redirect('/refinery')
    # inserted by Refinery:
    mount Refinery::Core::Engine, :at => '/'

    This will redirect http://example.com/administrator to http://example.com/refinery which will open up the backend.

    Sorry for the delayed response, but I was running into the same problem myself recently.