
CodeIgniter, CI-Merchant and Paypal Sandbox

I'm trying to make a little shopping cart with CodeIgniter and I found CI-Merchant to work with payment gateways with this guide but I don't really understand how to make it works with Paypal Sandbox.

$settings = array(
    'username' => '',
    'password' => '********',
    'signature' => 'Test Store',
    'test_mode' => true);

$params = array(
    'amount' => 12.00,
    'currency' => 'CAD',
    'return_url' => '',
    'cancel_url' => '');

$response = $this->merchant->purchase($params);

I know that this code can't do much but it do nothing at all. Just load the view and nothing happens, I don't understand. So, my question is, do you know tutorials or just how to make CI Merchant works with Paypal Sandbox? Thanks for the help.


  • Ace's comment is spot on. There is nothing wrong with your code, but you need to inspect the $response object to see what the result (or error message) was.

    $response = $this->merchant->purchase($params);
    if ($response->success())
        // mark order as complete
        $gateway_reference = $response->reference();
        $message = $response->message();
        echo('Error processing payment: ' . $message);

    You can also simply try this to inspect the object:

    $response = $this->merchant->purchase($params);
    echo '<pre>';