I am using dcraw (http://www.cybercom.net/~dcoffin/dcraw/) to handle camera raw files and piping it to imagemagick to convert it to a jpg for web use. I have done a few different test and the jpeg never produces the exact same colours/brightness as I see in Adobe Lightroom 3. Even when I do just strait tiff from dcraw, the tiff doesn't have the same colour. So, i think there are a few things I need to tweak in the draw part of the command.
What is the best way to replicate correct colour and brightness of a raw file on a jpeg. I'm currently doing this:
dcraw -c -w 7_1337801236.orf | convert -compress lzw - 7_1337801236.jpg
Thanks for any suggestions.
Looks like the same ImageMagick bug I've been hitting my head against, where once good convert commands now produce dark JPEGs. I've been waiting for months for a fix, and today when a new IM version hit Debian Sid but still didn't fix the issue, I started reading lots about colorspaces on the IM site. Sadly it's all very head-exploding and I found no clear instructions (all I tried broke dismally) how to make my JPEGs appear normal.
Then I found this post which suggests using a forked project called GraphicsMagick. So in Debian all I had to do was:
apt-get install graphicsmagick-imagemagick-compat
This pulls in the graphicsmagick package and removes imagemagick, but works seamlessly with no changes needed to my convert scripts. Happy camper!
HTH somebody :)