I'm using these apis https://developers.google.com/youtube/ and I can't figure out how, given a youtube channel address, get the video list with related infos (single video url and title, at least)
It's a bit convoluted, but can be done relatively painlessly. The trick is in knowing that a channel is really just a list of videos uploaded by a particular user. So if, when you say you have a youtube channel address, that address takes the form of:
Then you can get the videos with the user uploads feed:
As a side note, if you use the feed:
You'll get back extra info about the user, including a series of elements that give you various feed links (one of which is the uploads feed I mentioned above) that also contain info such as number of videos, etc.
If instead your channel URL is in the form:
Note that this kind of URL always starts with UC and then a long string. In this case, just drop the UC, and visit this feed: