
How do I update the "to" addresses on an SMTPAppender in Logback?

I am creating an admin page which has a couple of logback properties that I want to set on the fly, one of them being the admin emails that I send system alerts to. The api for the SMTPAppender has the methods to add to the list of "to" addresses, or get them as a list, but I didn't find anything to clear, remove any or update them. How should I do this?

I see two options currently:

  1. One option is to remove the appender and create a new one with the new properties (yuck).
  2. Figure out how to configure this directly through Joran (maybe yuck?).

I'm moving forward with (2), but please post if there's a better way.


  • Maybe you're done with this, but I just needed to find a way to set dynamic "to" addresses, and this topic lead me to the way (thanks to @gresdiplitude idea on system properties and MDC values), so I'm sharing my solution.

    I am using SMTPAppender to send small execution reports, but those need to be sent to different mailboxes. The solution looks yuck-less, or at least I got very pleased with the result.

    My logback.xml:

    <!-- this is the trick: a converter to use on the "to" field pattern -->
    <conversionRule conversionWord="smtpTo" converterClass="com.example.logback.MyConverter" />
    <appender name="SMTP" class="">
        <!-- a filter to select just the log entries that will be sent by mail -->
        <filter class="com.example.logback.MyFilter" />
        <!-- an evaluator, mine is like CounterBasedEvaluator from the manual:
        <evaluator class="com.example.logback.MyEvaluator">
        <!-- a discriminator to create a cyclic buffer for each mailing group I need -->
        <discriminator class="com.example.logback.MyDiscriminator" />
        <!-- just matching buffer size to evaluator limit -->
        <cyclicBufferTracker class="ch.qos.logback.core.spi.CyclicBufferTrackerImpl">
        <!-- here you use the converter: in this case will get data
            from marker containing the destination addresses
        <subject>my subject</subject>
        <layout class="ch.qos.logback.classic.PatternLayout">
            <pattern>%date: %message%n%xThrowable{full}</pattern>

    public FilterReply decide(ILoggingEvent event) {
        return event.getMarker() != null
                && event.getMarker().contains("REPORT") ? FilterReply.ACCEPT
                : FilterReply.DENY;

    public String getDiscriminatingValue(ILoggingEvent e) {
        Marker marker = e.getMarker();
        if (marker == null || !(marker instanceof MyMarker)) {
            return null;
        return ((MyMarker) marker).getDiscriminatingValue();

    public class MyConverter extends ClassicConverter {
        public String convert(ILoggingEvent event) {
            Marker marker = event.getMarker();
            if (marker == null || !(marker instanceof MyMarker)) {
                return null;
            return ((MyMarker) marker).getSmtpTo();

    public interface MyMarker extends Marker {
        // a list of destination addresses, like ","
        String getSmtpTo();
        // an "id" to tell the buffers apart, could be "smtpTo" itself
        // but in my case it would mix different reports that goes to the same addresses
        String getDiscriminatingValue();

    I just created an implementation for MyMarker, and used several instances of it on every logging statement that should be reported:

    // suggestion: make the marker immutable, then you can store and reuse them instead of recreating them every time
    Marker marker1 = new MyMarkerImpl(
        "REPORT", // marker name
        ",", // smtpTo
        "alertGroup"); // discriminatingValue
    logger.warn(marker1, "SNAFU");
    Marker marker2 = new MyMarkerImpl(
        "REPORT", ",", "phbGroup");, "Everything is fine");
    // here we have same smtpTo as above but different discriminatingValues, so this will be sent in another email/report
    Marker marker3 = new MyMarkerImpl(
        "REPORT", ",", "bugFixingGroup");
    logger.error(marker3, "Why things gone bad", exception);

    Hope it can be useful.