
Group tandem records

I have a table like this:

|     A |     B |
|  22.1 |  15.8 |
| 12.15 |  4.55 |  <- Duplicate record
| 12.15 |  4.55 |  <- Duplicate record
| 12.15 |  4.55 |  <- Duplicate record
|  30.4 | 44.12 |
|  10.5 |  7.58 |
|  31.2 |  65.1 |  <- Duplicate record
|  31.2 |  65.1 |  <- Duplicate record
|   9.4 |   7.8 |
| 12.15 |  4.55 |  <- Same Duplicate record
| 12.15 |  4.55 |  <- Same Duplicate record
| 12.15 |  4.55 |  <- Same Duplicate record
|  31.2 |  65.1 |  <- Same Duplicate record
|  31.2 |  65.1 |  <- Same Duplicate record

Here I want to group A and B. But I want to group tandem values.
So if there is a different record between two same record then both record(same) should come.

For e.g. my expected output should be:

|     A |     B |
|  22.1 |  15.8 |
| 12.15 |  4.55 |  <- Group 1
|  30.4 | 44.12 |
|  10.5 |  7.58 |
|  31.2 |  65.1 |  <- Group 2
|   9.4 |   7.8 |
| 12.15 |  4.55 |  <- Group 3 (Second Time)
|  31.2 |  65.1 |  <- Group 4 (Second Time)

What I am trying is:


but it gives me wrong result:

|     A |     B |
|  22.1 |  15.8 |
| 12.15 |  4.55 |
|  30.4 | 44.12 |
|  10.5 |  7.58 |
|  31.2 |  65.1 |
|   9.4 |   7.8 |
Here `12.15` and `31.2` is skipped second time. But I want it.

Note, I read this question but the solution is given in PHP while I want it in MySQL.
I am trying to solve the issue in this SQLFiddle.


  • Do you have a sequential ID on the column? If so, you can try something like:

    SELECT t.A, t.B
    FROM myTable t
        SELECT 1
        FROM myTable t2
        WHERE t2.A = t.A
        AND t2.B = t.B
        AND t2.Id = (SELECT MIN(t3.Id) FROM myTable t3 WHERE t3.Id > t.Id)

    SQL Fiddle example

    If you don't have an ID, you can try the following, but remember there is no guarantee that you will get the results you want; the server can return results in any order it wishes unless you specify a column to order by:

    SELECT t.A, t.B
        SELECT @curRow := @curRow + 1 AS Id, A, B
        FROM myTable
        JOIN (SELECT @curRow := 0) r ON 1=1
    ) t
        SELECT 1
        FROM (
            SELECT @curRow2 := @curRow2 + 1 AS Id, A, B
            FROM myTable
            JOIN (SELECT @curRow2 := 0) r ON 1=1
        ) t2
        WHERE t2.A = t.A
        AND t2.B = t.B
        AND t2.Id = (
            SELECT MIN(t3.Id) 
            FROM (
                SELECT @curRow3 := @curRow3 + 1 AS Id, A, B
                FROM myTable
                JOIN (SELECT @curRow3 := 0) r ON 1=1
            ) t3
            WHERE t3.Id > t.Id

    SQL Fiddle example