I want to export a few items from my localStorage to save it externally but in a format so that I can import it again later.
My attempt was to write executable code that can be pasted later in a textarea. Then the value of that textare will simply be eval()ed.
Problem: The data stored in localStorage were stored as
var data = [];
data.push({sample: 'object'});
So it contains various chars I don't like, like ', " etc
My (not working) solution so far was:
var container = $('#localDataContainer');
container.append('localStorage.setItem("cockpitLastVisited","' + localStorage.getItem("cockpitLastVisited") + '");<br/>');
container.append('localStorage.setItem("cockpit_services","' + localStorage.getItem("cockpit_services") + '");<br/>');
container.append('localStorage.setItem("cockpit_users","' + localStorage.getItem("cockpit_users") + '");');
If my attempt seems to be OK, what is the best way to create code that can then be executed the way it is?
You can encode Objects into Strings using JSON.stringify (object to String) and decode Strings into Objects using JSON.parse (String to Object).
Write to localStorage
Read from localStorage
var originalVarname= JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("varname"));