Given a django Model, how could I auto-generate the valid import for it? I have a strictly internal function (only devs will use it) that takes a model and returns some information on it. The problem is, I don't know how to dynamically import stuff:
For example, my app structure could be:
And the function:
def my_func(Model):
from appname.models import Model
## Rest of function here ##
Is there a way I could auto-generate the import based on the model? I was thinking accessing _meta attributes to get the app_label but obviously, one needs the import to access Model._meta. Any thoughts would be appreciated.
I think get_model
is what you need.
from django.db.models.loading import get_model
model = get_model('appname', 'ModelName')
Now you can do this.
objects = model.objects.all()