
How do you run nosetest from pycharm?

How do you execute nosetest from pycharm to run all unit tests?

I know that pycharm supports python's unittest and py.test and that they will properly support nosetests in pycharm 1.1 but I was wondering if there was a work around.


  • In the current version of Pycharm (2.6) there should be a context menu "run Nosetests in ..." on a test file. If this is missing, go to file->settings->Project Settings->python integrated tools and ensure the Default Test Runner is Nosetests. You do of course need to have Nosetests installed - pycharm will offer this if you do not.

    This does have a limitation. If the file in question does not have a class derived from unittest.TestCase it will not automatically show this. If you are using or simple assertions it will not automatically offer this. This is probably a bug.