I have several batch files which set a log file path and start visual studio 2010 ordertests. When I execute a batch file from windows explorer it runs perfectly. The problem is that when I use the Windows Task Scheduler to run a batch file my orderedtest is not executed.
Sample Code:
::: This batch kicks off the searchinlineset test set node.
SetLogPath.vbs "\\spm08r2dw\ATPData\Webportal Test Results\"
%comspec% /c "call "%VS100COMNTOOLS%vsvars32.bat" & mstest /testcontainer:"%SmartUITestInstallPath%AUTs\Tests\DemoSuite\SearchInlineSet\SearchInlineSet.orderedtest"" /nologo /usestderr
OS: Windows 7/2008 r2
Task Scheduler Configuration Images:
Navigate to the General Tab of the Scheduled Task and select "run with highest privleges". Change the user account to SYSTEM and use a command that allows authentication parameters to be passed in the code such as the PowerShell cmdlet Start-BitsTransfer.
Also, fill in the correct start in path or arguments as necessary under the edit actions tab. I use a .bat file to kick it off, so I fill in the start in box.