I have this jsonp function:
function jsonp(url, callback) {
var script = document.createElement("script");
script.setAttribute("src", url + questionMark + "accept=jsonp&callback="+callback + "&cachebuster="+new Date().getTime());
I catch the success event like this:
function someCallbackFunction(data1, data2) {}
but the problem is that if I get 404 or 409 or some other server errors I don't know how to catch them (they do not appear on someCallbackFunction
I can set an onerror
attribute to display something but how do I catch the server's response.
this is an example for a server response that I am not able to catch with my regular callback function:
DeleteWebsiteAjaxCall({"action":"", "type":"", "callerId":""}, {errorDescription: "important description I want to display","success":false,"payload":null});
How do I catch these errors (stale exceptions?!) on a function?
function jsonp(url, callback) {
var script = document.createElement("script");
script.setAttribute("src", url + questionMark + "accept=jsonp&callback="+callback + "&cachebuster="+new Date().getTime());
var errHandler = function(evt) {
// reference to http://www.quirksmode.org/dom/events/error.html
// you will get an error eventually, and you can call callback manually here, to acknowledge it.
// but unfortunately, on firefox you can get error type as undefined, and no further detail like error code on other browser either.
// And you can tell the callback function there is a net error (as no other error will fire this event.)
window[callback](new Error());
script.onerror = errHandler;
script.onload = function() {
// also setup a timeout in case the onerror failed.
var timer = setTimeout(errHandler, 5000);
If your server will response when 404/409 happens, then send the 200 status code to client instead to make the script being evaluated.
Otherwise, the browser will omit the server response and fire onerror event.