
struts2 making me go mad

I have been trying to make a java project. Its using Struts 2 tags. There is a button Update whenever it is to be clicked, it should update the values in the database.

But I am getting this error:

No result defined for action and result input


  • No result defined for action and result input

    This means that you are lacking the mapping for the input result for this Action in your Struts.xml

    The standard workflow

    JSP -> Interceptor Stack -> Action

    is breaking BEFORE reaching the Action, most likely by the ConversionError Interceptor (eg. sending a String to an Integer, for example), and it is returning back without even reaching the Action.

    Read more on Struts2 INPUT result: how does it work? How are conversion / validation errors handled?

    When trying to come back, it can't find where to go.

    So you must define an input result type:

    <action name="CUGAction" class="">
        <result name="success">/your.jsp</result>
        <result name="input">/your.jsp</result>

    Then print out the error in your JSP with <s:fielderror /> and with <s:actionerrors />, and try to figure out what is happening.