I am developing a code in processing language and to make it a web application I am using processing.js.
I was wondering if there is any intellisense for processing ide or if there is an IDE for processing which has intellisense.
If you want an Eclipse-style outline you could try the Sketch-Outline tool for Processing 2.0: http://code.google.com/p/sketch-outline/
I have not tested this myself, but the screenshot posted here looks promising: https://forum.processing.org/topic/sketch-outline-new-processing-tool-announcement
Personally I use Eclipse as a full-fledged IDE, giving you auto-complete, class outline etc. The only downside is that you have to lose some of the code fudging done by the Processing pre-compiler, i.e. "color" does not exist as a variable type (it's really an int) and float numbers need to be suffixed with "f" - "2.0" in Java is a double, "2.0f" is a float.