I manages to integrate Icon Overlay like dropbox in Mac Os Finder with a SIMBL plugin ! I Use the swizzle method to override some finder function.
Here is my swizzle method :
void PluginSwizzleInstanceMethod(Class cls, SEL oldSel, SEL newSel)
Method mnew = class_getInstanceMethod(cls, newSel);
Method mold = class_getInstanceMethod(cls, oldSel);
method_exchangeImplementations(mnew, mold);
So for the moment i override the drawWithFrame method like this :
Class cls = NSClassFromString(@"TIconAndTextCell");
SEL oldSel = @selector(drawWithFrame:inView:);
SEL newSel = @selector(PluginDrawWithFrame:inView:);
PluginSwizzleInstanceMethod(cls, oldSel, newSel);
all my icons are displayed but not on my desktop or on the view that show items as icon ... Why ?
thank you ,
I just managed to do some stuff for the Desktop, so I'll post in case that's still relevant for someone:
So as you experienced, Finder draws icons differently on the Desktop.
One class that is responsible for that is TDesktopIcon.
One can, for example, change icons by overriding the drawIconInContext: method, and setting the thumbnailImage property to whatever NSImage* he likes.
- (void) FO_drawIconInContext:(struct CGContext *)arg1 {
NSImage *image;
// set image...
[(TDesktopIcon*)self setThumbnailImage:image];
[self FO_drawIconInContext:arg1];
Getting the url for each item was not as straight forward as with TIconAndTextCell or IKImageBrowserCell.
In order to get the URLs, you need to override the prepareToDrawNode: method of TDesktopViewController. You get the URL from arg1 as follows:
- (void) FO_prepareToDrawNode:(const struct TFENode *)arg1 {
struct OpaqueNodeRef *opr = arg1->fNodeRef;
struct FINode *fiNode = [FINode nodeFromNodeRef:opr];
NSURL *url = [fiNode previewItemURL];
// save url somewhere (I use NSUserDefaults)
[self FO_prepareToDrawNode:arg1];
Maybe there's a better way, but that's what I figured out...