Blog engines for ASP.Net (maybe MVC) web sites

I've built a web site on ASP.NET MVC and one little section of it should be a blog. I'm looking for a blog to integrate. In the worst case scenario it'd be a WordPress with a custom skin and RSS integration to the rest of the site. The best would be to have an ASP.NET MVC add-on, but I can live with ASP.NET WebForms.

Do you have any recomendations on the engine? I've been checking out BlogEngine.Net and I'd like to have some other ideas to compare. Anything in particular you can point to regarding this integration?


  • Just for the record, I ended up using WordPress. Applying the "skin" was not hard, probably as hard as with any .Net blog and although it will probably be harder to maintain in the long run, in the short term is probably the most stable and featureful blogging solution.