For every logger statement with any level, I need to display the file name from where the log statement executed, below is the illustration I given below:
Example : Below is the line executed from JobWork.js"getInCompleteJobs in job works");
Actual :
2012-11-05T06:07:19.158Z - info: getInCompleteJobs in job works
Required :
2012-11-05T06:07:19.158Z - info JobWork.js : getInCompleteJobs in job works
Without passing the fileName as a parameter from the log statement it should give the filename.
You can use the stack trace information attached to v8's Error
object to find out what file/line your code was called from. This approach works well, but it does not perform well; so you will want to disable it in production.
So you could do something like this:
var logger_info_old =; = function(msg) {
var fileAndLine = traceCaller(1);
return, fileAndLine + ":" + msg);
* examines the call stack and returns a string indicating
* the file and line number of the n'th previous ancestor call.
* this works in chrome, and should work in nodejs as well.
* @param n : int (default: n=1) - the number of calls to trace up the
* stack from the current call. `n=0` gives you your current file/line.
* `n=1` gives the file/line that called you.
function traceCaller(n) {
if (isNaN(n) || n<0) n=1;
var s = (new Error()).stack,
a = s.indexOf('\n', 5);
while (n--) {
a = s.indexOf('\n', a+1);
if (a<0) {
a = s.lastIndexOf('\n', s.length);
var b = s.indexOf('\n', a+1);
if( b<0 ) b = s.length;
a = Math.max(
s.lastIndexOf(' ', b),
s.lastIndexOf('/', b));
b = s.lastIndexOf(':', b);
s = s.substring(a+1, b);
return s;