When I --watch a directory containing coffeescript files, everything is caught- new files, immediate changes, but when I watch a handlebars directory it doesn't watch it. Am I right in thinking --watch is only available to coffee?
My Cakefile looks something like this:
{spawn} = require "child_process"
fs = require "fs"
handlebars = require "handlebars"
task 'watch', ->
spawn 'coffee', ['-cwj', 'js/libs/app.js', 'src/coffee']
spawn 'handlebars', ['-wf', 'js/libs/templates.js', 'tmpl']
How can I watch a custom directory using a Cakefile?
Yes, --watch
doesn't seem to be implemented by handlebars. You can use node's fs.watch
to hack up your own watcher. Here's how Coffeescript uses it to implement its own watch
Personally, I like using Guard for watching files, even if I'm working on a non-Ruby project. It's easier to set up than fs.watch