If I have a table with the following data in MySQL:
id Name Value
1 A 4
1 A 5
1 B 8
2 C 9
how do I get it into the following format?
id Column
1 A:4,5,B:8
2 C:9
I think I have to use GROUP_CONCAT
. But I'm not sure how it works.
select id, group_concat(`Name` separator ',') as `ColumnName`
select id,
concat(`Name`, ':', group_concat(`Value` separator ',')) as Name
from mytbl group by id, Name
) tbl
group by id;
You can see it implemented here : Sql Fiddle Demo. Exactly what you need.
Explained by Splitting in Two Steps First we get a table having all values(comma separated) against a unique[Name,id]. Then from obtained table we get all names and values as a single value against each unique id See this explained here SQL Fiddle Demo (scroll down as it has two result sets)
Edit There was a mistake in reading question, I had grouped only by id. But two group_contacts are needed if (Values are to be concatenated grouped by Name and id and then over all by id). Previous answer was
id,group_concat(concat(`name`,':',`value`) separator ',')
as Result from mytbl group by id
You can see it implemented here : SQL Fiddle Demo