
Is the an IDE/plugin/smth which can highlight (heat map) code according to how old it is?

I'm looking for PHP IDE, but I can't find ANY IDE which does something like that. All the code is traceable back in time in git or any other version control, right? So, it would be cool to have a "dust view" mode, to see which code is there for ages (cold, grey), which was changed recently (hot, bright). Like a heat maps for web pages - but for code? I think it might be usable for

P.S. Might be not an IDE feature, but a github functionality for example?


  • As others mentioned, the 'blame' or 'annotate' command of most version control programs has the information that you need (the date and revision that each line was changed). SmartSVN allows you to color by age (sorry, it doesn't have a screenshot), and git-age also does that for git repos.