I have troubles with Visual Studio 2012 build, it runs extremely slow. It worked fine some time ago, I have no idea what happened. I enabled diagnostic build output, and saw this:
3>Target Performance Summary:
3> 1093 ms ResolveComReferences 1 calls
3> 2741 ms ResolveAssemblyReferences 1 calls
3> 3725 ms CoreCompile 1 calls
3> 314117 ms PreBuildEvent 1 calls
3>Task Performance Summary:
3> 1092 ms ResolveComReference 1 calls
3> 2741 ms ResolveAssemblyReference 1 calls
3> 3724 ms Csc 1 calls
3> 314117 ms Exec 1 calls
3>Build succeeded.
3>Time Elapsed 00:05:22.93
The pre-build event:
Powershell -File "$(ProjectDir)Prepare4Tests.ps1"
The script file:
# Close all IE instances
Get-Process | Where { $_.Name -Eq 'iexplore' } | Kill;
# Delete test files generated by agent that are more than 7 days old.
$paths = @("C:\Users\tsservice\AppData\Local\VSEQT\QTAgent", "C:\Windows\ServiceProfiles\NetworkService\AppData\Local\VSEQT\QTController");
foreach($path in $paths)
if(Test-Path $path)
$items = @(Get-ChildItem $path | Where {$_.lastwritetime -lt (Get-date).AddDays(-8)});
for($i = 0; $i -lt $items.Length; $i++)
$itemPath = join-path $path $items[$i] -Resolve;
"Deleting item: " + $itemPath;
Remove-Item $itemPath -force;
Same problem with another project which contains post-build event which executes another powershell script.
If I launch the script directly from command prompt it runs fast with no problems. Also on rebuild, netstat.exe is always launching, no idea why. Any help will be greatly appreciated and any ideas are welcome!
P.S. Also other guys from our team don't have such problem, so it's definitely something on my side. Here is the full build log:
Update 12/11/12: Tried to put checkpoints, as I said previously, powershell script itself is working like a charm
3> Task Parameter:Command=Powershell -File "D:\Projects\NGNMS\Dev\NMSClient\NMSClient.UT\Prepare4Tests.ps1" (TaskId:72)
3> Powershell -File "D:\Projects\NGNMS\Dev\NMSClient\NMSClient.UT\Prepare4Tests.ps1" (TaskId:72)
3> Checkpoint 1 11/12/2012 13:08:07 (TaskId:72)
3> Checkpoint 2 11/12/2012 13:08:07 (TaskId:72)
3> Checkpoint 3 11/12/2012 13:08:07 (TaskId:72)
3>Done executing task "Exec". (TaskId:72)
Installed PowerShell 3.0, reinstalled VS 2012, nothing helped. So I just formatted disk C and installed Windows 8, now it works great :)