I'm trying to use Database.HDBC and Database.HDBC.Sqlite3.
To add tables to an SQLite3 database, this is the kind of command I'd enter into GHCI:
run conn "CREATE TABLE table1 (a INTEGER)" []
I'd like to now use a list of strings to add table names to a database from within my program.
This is the variable I'm working with:
tables = ["CREATE TABLE t1 (a INTEGER)","CREATE TABLE t2 (a INTEGER)",..]
tables is passed to a function I made called addTables:
addTables xs = [ run conn x [] | x <- xs ]
But my addTables function returns this error:
No instance for (Show (IO Integer))
arising from a use of `print'
Possible fix: add an instance declaration for (Show (IO Integer))
In a stmt of an interactive GHCi command: print it
I suspect Haskell doesn't like list comprehensions that don't print anything?
Any help or suggestions would be greately appreciated.
No, the problem is that IO
actions can't be printed. See, you've only constructed a list of actions, rather than running them.
Try this instead:
addTables xs = sequence [run conn x [] | x <- xs]
or, equivalently:
addTables xs = mapM (\x -> run conn x []) xs
If you don't care about the results, mapM_
is slightly more efficient.