Using SQL Server Management Studio, it is easy to see the list of of Local Subscriptions on the subscriber database under the Replication folder. My question is how do I get that list programmatically . I know that I can use RMO to create a subscription. I want to know how to get a list of all of the existing Local Subscriptions.
The Publication.EnumSubscriptions Method returns the subscriptions that subscribe to a publication. This would be the equivalent of executing sp_helpsubscription or sp_helpmergesubscription.
You can also connect to a Subscriber, get the ReplicationDatabaseCollection, and enumerate through the replicated databases subscriptions. Here is an example:
// Connect to the Subscriber
subscriberName = "SubscriberName";
subscriberConnection = new ServerConnection(subscriberName);
// Get Subscriber replication databases
ReplicationServer subscriberServer = new ReplicationServer(subscriberConnection);
ReplicationDatabaseCollection subscriberReplicationDatabases = subscriberServer.ReplicationDatabases;
// Enumerate Subscriber replication databases
foreach (ReplicationDatabase subscriptionDatabase in subscriberReplicationDatabases)
foreach (MergePullSubscription mergePullSubscription in subscriptionDatabase.MergePullSubscriptions)
// do something...