I've found this guide on internet to publish on Wordpress using XML-RPC inside my Java Project, for example I want a message on my Blog, every time it's specified date. http://wordpress.rintcius.nl/post/look-how-this-wordpress-post-got-created-from-java
Now, I've followed the guide and I'm trying to let it run but I don't understand yet how exactly parameters for my post works. For example using the method blogger.NewPost I call:
public Integer post(String contents) throws XmlRpcException { Object[] params = new Object[] { blogInfo.getApiKey(), blogInfo.getBlogId(), blogInfo.getUserName(), blogInfo.getPassword(), contents, postType.booleanValue() }; return (Integer) client.execute(POST_METHOD_NAME, params); }
and my "contents" value is:
[title]Look how this wordpress post got created from java![/title]" + "[category]6[/category]" + FileUtils.getContentsOfResource("rintcius/blog/post.txt");
(I'm using "[" instead of "<" and "]" instead of ">" that are processed by stackoverflow)
Now, how could I use all parameters in this XML way? Parameters here: http://codex.wordpress.org/XML-RPC_MetaWeblog_API#metaWeblog.newPost
And, it's the content only a "string" without any tag?
Thanks a lot to all!
Still don't know why it gives me back errors but i think it's only a bit outdated. Found this other libraries that works perfectly http://code.google.com/p/wordpress-java/
I advice all to use this since the other one is outdated Thanks all