
What is the difference between lowagie and iText?

What is the difference between lowagie and iText? Is this just version difference or an upgrade to the library. Which one is recommended to be used?


  • I am Lowagie, the lowagie you refer to. I'm the original author of iText and the author of the "iText in Action" books and the book "Entreprenerd" about the history of iText.

    When people talk about lowagie in the context of PDF, they usually talk about libraries with package names (Java) or namespaces (C#) such as com.lowagie.text (Java). These are old versions of iText (versions 0, 1, or 2). The last of those old versions was iText 2.1.7 dating from July 2009 or earlier.

    There was an iTextSharp 3 and 4 (C#), but there never was an official iText 3 or 4 release (Java). There are forks that claim to be based on iText 4 because the number 4 was temporarily used in the open source repository to prepare for the release of iText 5. With iText 5, the numbers of the releases of the Java and the C# version were finally synchronized.

    When people talk about iText, they usually talk about the newer versions of iText can be found in the changelogs:

    The iText 5 version had the following substantial changes:

    There was never an official iText 6 version; iText 6 only existed internally at iText Group, to prepare for iText 7.

    The iText 7 version is a complete rewrite of the library. People who want to migrate from versions prior to iText 7 will have to rewrite their code, as iText 7 isn't compatible with prior versions.

    There were many reasons for creating a new version from scratch:

    For a more complete overview of the history of iText, and of how and why things changed, take a look at the Entreprenerd website.

    Answer updated on July 21, 2021: I am no longer affiliated with any of the iText companies since March 2020.