
Multiple arguments to function called by pthread_create()?

I need to pass multiple arguments to a function that I would like to call on a separate thread. I've read that the typical way to do this is to define a struct, pass the function a pointer to that, and dereference it for the arguments. However, I am unable to get this to work:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <pthread.h>

struct arg_struct {
    int arg1;
    int arg2;

void *print_the_arguments(void *arguments)
    struct arg_struct *args = (struct arg_struct *)args;
    printf("%d\n", args -> arg1);
    printf("%d\n", args -> arg2);
    return NULL;

int main()
    pthread_t some_thread;
    struct arg_struct args;
    args.arg1 = 5;
    args.arg2 = 7;

    if (pthread_create(&some_thread, NULL, &print_the_arguments, (void *)&args) != 0) {
        return -1;

    return pthread_join(some_thread, NULL); /* Wait until thread is finished */

The output for this should be:


But when I run it I actually get:


Anyone know what I'm doing wrong?


  • Because you say

    struct arg_struct *args = (struct arg_struct *)args;

    instead of

    struct arg_struct *args = arguments;