I'm trying to write basic assert test:
def assert_session_has ( sessionvar )
return assert_not_nil session[:sessionvar]
when I compile:
def test_auth_bob
#some setup and other validation methods
assert_not_nil session[user]
#more validations...
I get the following error:
NameError: undefined local variable or method `user' for #<UserControllerTest:0x3460c28>
/test/functional/user_controller_test.rb:23:in `test_auth_bob'
Any ideas?
You lost a colon. As painful as that sounds, some people don't even notice.
def test_auth_bob
#some setup and other validation methods
assert_not_nil session[:user]
#more validations...
Without the : user refers to a variable or method, with a colon user is the symbol :user. This post on the internet about symbols appears to explain more… but I have not read it. I'm being called away from the computer by a thrilling but slow moving episode of The Wire. It's good.