Hi I am a new bee in Erlang but managed to create a simple TCP server which accepts client in passive mode and displays message. I spawn a new process every time new client connects to the server. Is there a way I could send message to the client using the process which gets spawned when client connects.
Here is code.
{ok, ListenSocket}=gen_tcp:listen(1235,[binary,{active, false}]),
{ok, UserSocket}=gen_tcp:accept(ListenSocket),
Pid=spawn(? MODULE, user,[UserSocket]),
gen_tcp:controlling_process(UserSocket, Pid),
case gen_tcp:recv(UserSocket, 0) of.
{ok, Binary}->% Send basic message.
{error, closed}->% operation on close.
Can I have some thing like if I do.
Pid!{"Some Message"}
. And the message is send to the socket associated with the process with non blocking io,
You could try this tutorial for writing a TCP server using OTP principles: http://learnyousomeerlang.com/buckets-of-sockets#sockserv-revisited
If you use a gen_server instead of your connect loop, you can store the Pids in the state. Then you can use gen_server:cast/2 to send a message to one of the Pids.
The function you want to send a message to the client from the controlling process is gen_tcp:send(Socket, Message), so for example if you wanted to send a one off message on connection you could do this:
gen_tcp:send(UserSocket, "hello"),
case gen_tcp:recv(UserSocket, 0) of
{ok, Binary}->% Send basic message.
gen_tcp:send(UserSocket, "basic message"),
{error, closed}->% operation on close.
gen_tcp:send(UserSocket, "this socket is closing now"),