I'm developing an android application. I'm using android 2.2
In my application I am capturing GPS data and sending it to service with the 1 hour time interval. If user exits from application it's also working (it is required).
I'm using 2 services (User defined), one for capturing GPS data and other for sending to the server.
Here my doubt
In service, can we use shared preferences.
If we store any data in shared preferences in any activity of the application, will we be able to use that data in service with the help of shared preferences?
I find the solution.
Inside a service we call the following method to get the shared preferences
myapp.bmodel.getApplicationContext().getSharedPreferences("myPrefs_capture_gps_per_hour", Context.MODE_PRIVATE);
In the above code myapp is a object of the application class which is derived from Application