I am using CATransformLayer to create a bunch of layers and animate them with 3D perspective to make a cube (something like this)
What's the best way of adding a UIButton to one of the sides to this cube? I would like to be able receive events and access the buttom from an IBOutlet.
I've tried creating a UIView with a button inside it into my XIB and inserting its layer into the CATransformLayer, it shows up but the button isn't clickable. I have a feeling this is because UIKit deals with the Touch/events side of things, the layers are just there to do the drawing.
(btw, I have seen this question, but feel this case is different enough to warrant a new post)
the root view thats hosting all the layers is getting all touches for the layer tree
in there you gotta do
CALayer *touchedLayer = [self.rootLayer hitTest:touches.anyObject.locationInWindow];
from the comment: if you want to check during animations assk your presentation layer:
CALayer *touchedLayer = [self.rootLayer.presentationLayer hitTest:touches.anyObject.locationInWindow];