
How to check if a program is running by its name with Qt (C++)

How to check if a program is running, by its name, with Qt (C++).

Will QProcess::pid do the job? I don't know how to use it. Please suggest.


  • As far as I know QProcess won't allow you to do that (unless you've spawned the process yourself) and in fact nothing in Qt will. However Win32 API provides a way to achieve what you want through EnumProcesses function and a complete example of how to use it is provided at Microsoft website:


    To get you need replace PrintProcessNameAndID with the following function:

    bool matchProcessName( DWORD processID, std::string processName)
        TCHAR szProcessName[MAX_PATH] = TEXT("<unknown>");
        // Get a handle to the process.
        HANDLE hProcess = OpenProcess( PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION |
                                       FALSE, processID );
        // Get the process name.
        if (NULL != hProcess )
            HMODULE hMod;
            DWORD cbNeeded;
            if ( EnumProcessModules( hProcess, &hMod, sizeof(hMod), 
                 &cbNeeded) )
                GetModuleBaseName( hProcess, hMod, szProcessName, 
                                   sizeof(szProcessName)/sizeof(TCHAR) );
        // Compare process name with your string        
        bool matchFound = !_tcscmp(szProcessName, processName.c_str() );
        // Release the handle to the process.    
        CloseHandle( hProcess );
        return matchFound;