
Set Tomcat Default Context Path

In my context.xml file I set the following to: <Context antiJARLocking="true" path="/" />

When I run my project from NetBeans then it works correctly and goes to http://localhost:8080/login. Then when I clean & build and go into Tomcat Manager and deploy the war file, for some reason it goes to http://localhost:8080/appName/login. I'm not sure why it's adding the context path or where it even gets it from but when ever I deploy it manually it does that. When ever I run the project directly from Netbeans then it doesn't. After I run it directly from NetBeans, if I go to Tomcat Manager then it shows the app deployed under context path / which is correct. When I deploy the .war manually then it deploys under context path /appName


  • It sounds like you are building your war file as "appName.war". That is the reason tomcat deploys it under "/appName".

    If you want your application accessible at /, you can rename your war file as ROOT.war and drop it in /webapps and it should be accessible at http : //localhost:8080/