
JavascriptMVC: Listen to event of instantiated Controller in wrapper Controller

I have 2 controllers:

/** @Static */
    defaults : {}
/** @Prototype */
    init : function(){
    // how can I listen here for an event of app_map() controller


/** @Static */
    defaults : {}
/** @Prototype */
    init : function(){
        // how can I trigger an event to be listened by app_browser() controller

The short idea is that while I'm in the App.Map controller I would like to notice the App.Browse controller to do something.


  • JMVC is prepared for that. Just declare it like this:

    /** @Static */
        defaults : {
            mapController: null
        listensTo: ['mapCustomEvent']
    /** @Prototype */
        init : function(){
        '{mapController} mapCustomEvent': function(element, event, param) {
            //handle event
    /** @Static */
        defaults : {}
    /** @Prototype */
        init : function(){
            param = "something I'd like to pass into event listener";
            $(this).trigger('mapCustomEvent', params);

    And instantiate:

    map = new App.Map('#map');
    new App.Browse($('#browse'), {mapController: map});