I'm working in a app with Gtk+2 and i need to implement a File treeview.
the actual code it's:
public FileTree() {
store = new TreeStore(2,typeof(string),typeof(string));
this.change_dir( "/dir/path" );
set_model( store );
// File icon
var pixbuf = new Gtk.CellRendererPixbuf();
var column = new Gtk.TreeViewColumn();
column.pack_start(pixbuf, false);
append_column (column);
// File name
Gtk.CellRenderer cell = new Gtk.CellRendererText();
insert_column_with_attributes(-1,"", cell, "text", 1);
// Do some visual configs
and change_dir()
public void change_dir( string path ) {
File repo_dir = File.new_for_path( path );
try {
generate_list( repo_dir, null, new Cancellable());
} catch ( Error e ) {
stderr.printf("Error: %s\n", e.message);
public void generate_list (
File file,
TreeIter? parent = null,
Cancellable? cancellable = null
) throws Error {
// Enumerator
FileEnumerator enumerator = file.enumerate_children (
FileInfo info = null;
TreeIter iter;
while(cancellable.is_cancelled() == false && ((info = enumerator.next_file(cancellable)) != null ))
// Check if not it's in the omited files.
if( ! (info.get_name() in IGNORED ) ) {
// Check if is a dir or a file
if( info.get_file_type() == FileType.DIRECTORY ) {
this.store.append( out iter, parent);
this.store.set(iter, 0, STOCK_DIRECTORY, 1, info.get_name());
File subdir = file.resolve_relative_path(info.get_name());
this.generate_list(subdir, iter, cancellable );
} else {
// It's a file
this.store.append( out iter, parent);
this.store.set(iter, 0, STOCK_FILE, 1, info.get_name());
if ( cancellable.is_cancelled()) {
throw new IOError.CANCELLED ("Operation was cancelled");
This it's showing two columns in ( first with a folder/file icon and the second one the name of the folder/file)
it's some way to do this in one single column??
EDIT: it could be some hack to set the icon at the side of the name, the actual code shows the icon and the string but when i expand a column, the strings moves a little to the right and there's a blank space between the icon and string.
With the method of the TreeViewColumn, pack_start()
, I Just append any cell renderer to the column.
(in C this is like Common Questions: GTK+ 3 Reference Manual (see 5.2))
so, just modified:
// File icon
var pixbuf = new Gtk.CellRendererPixbuf();
var column = new Gtk.TreeViewColumn();
column.pack_start(pixbuf, false);
append_column (column);
// File name
Gtk.CellRenderer cell = new Gtk.CellRendererText();
insert_column_with_attributes(-1,"", cell, "text", 1);
// File icon
var pixbuf = new Gtk.CellRendererPixbuf();
column.pack_start(pixbuf, false);
// The name of the file.
var cell = new Gtk.CellRendererText();
column.pack_start(cell, false);
append_column (column);
And there it is :)