
Parse css and remove rules which are giving error

I want to remove css rules which are giving error like here is the example

.banneritem {
   border: 1px solid #CED4E0;
   border color: #CBCBCB;// is not valid cause it actually refers to border-color missing (-)
   margin-bottom: 10px;

is there any framework or library which will omit this kind of css rules from file.

I am using sabberworm css parser here my sample code

 if ($loadedContents != ""){
       preg_match_all('/display: none/is', $loadedContents, $matchvalue);
       if (count($matchvalue[0]) > 0) {
       $oCssParser = new Sabberworm\CSS\Parser($loadedContents);
       $oDoc = $oCssParser -> parse();
          foreach ($oDoc->getAllRuleSets() as $oRuleSet) {
              if ($oRuleSet instanceof Sabberworm\CSS\RuleSet\AtRule) {
               $sSelector = $oRuleSet -> getSelectors();
               $sSelector = $sSelector[0] -> getSelector();
               $aDisplayRule = $oRuleSet -> getRules('display');
               if (count($aDisplayRule) > 0) {
                   $aValues = $aDisplayRule['display'] -> getValues();
                   if ($aValues[0][0] == "none") {
                          $displayValue[] = "display:none;";
                          $displaySelector[] = $sSelector;
                $bDisplayRule = $oRuleSet -> getRules('visibility');
                if (count($bDisplayRule) > 0) {
                    $bValues = $bDisplayRule['visibility'] -> getValues();
                    if ($bValues[0][0] == "hidden") {
                        $visibilityValue[] = "visibility:hidden;";
                        $visibilitySelector[] = $sSelector;

I am here working all css rules and finds display:none rule in meanwhile due to this faulty rule I am getting fatal error.

Any help will be highly appreciate.


  • Yes I found the solution,

    First of all I put the same code as was in my above question and then I created new dummy css and created new function see below,

    For that I use two classes name is 1). csstidy 2). Stylecow

      require "../stylecow/autoload.php";
      //for css rules omition
    function makeDummyCssFile($html)
            $cssTidy = new csstidy();
            $newCss ="";
          foreach ($html->find('link') as $e) {
            $cssHrefs = $e -> href;
            preg_match_all('~favicon~is', $cssHrefs, $feviMatch);
            if (count($feviMatch[0]) == 0) {
                preg_match_all('~(\bhttp|https\b)~is', $cssHrefs , $isThirdPartyCss);
                if(count($isThirdPartyCss[0]) >  0)
                    $loadedHrefs = $cssHrefs;
                    preg_match_all('~' . SITE_NAME . '~is', $cssHrefs, $match);
                    if (count($match[0]) == 0) {
                        $loadedHrefs = SITE_NAME . $cssHrefs;
                    } else {
                        $loadedHrefs = $cssHrefs;
                    $loadedContents = file_get_contents($loadedHrefs);
                    $css = Stylecow\Parser::parseFile($loadedContents);
                    $newCss.= $css;
                 $result = $cssTidy->parse($newCss);
                 $newCss = $cssTidy->print->plain();
                     foreach($cssTidy->log as $line => $array)
                               // echo "<pre>";print_r($array);
                                $array_size = count($array);
                                for($i = 0; $i < $array_size; ++$i)
                                    if($array[$i]['t'] == "error")
                                       $newCss =   preg_replace("~(".$array[$i]['m']['selector']."[^\}]*\})~is", "", $newCss);#qtip-overlay div[^\}]*\}
            $cssName = explode("http://", SITE_NAME);
            $cssFileName = str_replace(".", "-", str_replace("/","",$cssName[1])) . "-" . date('Y-m-d') . ".css";
            $str = "";
            $myFile = DUMYPATH . $cssFileName;
                        if ($myFile != "") {
                            $fh = fopen($myFile, 'w+') or die("can't open file");
                            $stringData = $newCss;
                            fwrite($fh, $stringData);
            return $cssFileName;

    Hope this helps :)